A neighborhood made up of individuals and families from mixed-income brackets helps support stronger schools, area businesses thrive, and it creates a stable, growing economy.
The Marion-Franklin Area Civic Association has partnered with Southside Hope to offer free workshops at the Marion-Franklin Opportunity Center.
“Many people struggle to find housing that fits within their budget. Southside Hope is committed to helping change that,” says Lori Fisher, a representative of the newly created Southside Hope Community Development Corporation. The non-profit organization launched to help promote long-term residency, neighborhood revitalization, and growth in Far South Columbus.
The workshops are ideal for renters who are not quite sure if they can buy a home as well as those who are ready to purchase the “American Dream.”
Representatives from e-Merge Real Estate and US Bank will be on hand to answer questions regarding the home buying process and mortgage qualifying.
The next workshop will be on Saturday, March 23, 2019 from 11am—1:30 pm. Space is limited.
To register, call 614-886-9922 or visit southsidehope.org.